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Antara: Expression of Art

This series features chosen upcoming artistes' candid speak on their passion for art and some of their dearly held moments. This edition features Shwetha Mruthyunjaya from Bangalore.

My name is Shwetha Mruthyunjaya, Manager: Client Services by profession and an Artist by passion. A freelance Artist based in Bangalore, basically started painting from a young age with basic pencil and paper drawings, sketching and designing artifacts. Most of my art skills and knowledge are self taught. A person who loves travelling, different cultures and different places inspires me to come up with new ideas.

Wondering if it is possible to manage a full time career and also your passion for arts? I say yes, it is definitely possible. If you have the will and passion towards art you can balance the two worlds beautifully!

People say my novel and creative projects show them my penchant for art and my out-of-the box thinking.

Since the last couple of years I have been doing murals, experimenting with it and loving every minute of it. I do not limit myself to any one particular kind of art or one particular medium. One thing that we upcoming artists have in mind is "what if people don’t like my work","what would people say", "how will people react", etc...You know what, you should not think too much about it, it’s just the first step you have to take and the rest will follow. It did take a lot of time and courage to come out in the open and say "Yes I am an Artist and Yes I can create innovative, exclusive pieces of work".

Murals: At my first art show

I always had a dream of having my Art Show someday and that someday had finally arrived with my first art show called the "Antara" which was held at Renaissance Gallerie, Bangalore from Dec 13 - 17,2011. The meaning of "Antara" is "from the heart" and that’s the reason I chose this name. I have always had a passion towards art and crafts from a very young age and have never let that passion die. I had come up with a collection of Art works with a lot of passion and with all my heart into it.

My works were received very well and the responses were overwhelming, and I am happy that it worked out just the way I thought it would. One of the most unforgettable moments is when someone appreciates your first art show. It feels wonderful and I did get goosebumps!

Some of the responses: “It is a pleasure to see such beautiful creations", "It feels so proud that you have achieved one of your dreams”, " Your paintings expresses a lot" , "Your paintings and your products make me feel life is colorful", many more....and from then on it has never stopped coming.

My other works: Bottle-lamps and water color

Never let your dream die, if you have a dream work towards it. Nowadays, I have seen people saying where is the time for hobbies...but I feel that you will always have time as long as you want to do something. People at my work place were pretty surprised when I invited them to my art show. They all asked me "where did you get the time for all this?".... I keep my professional and personal interests as two completely different entities and have never let it come in each others way. I wanted to reach out to a larger crowd and hence developed a website of my own.

I am a person who has a great passion in art and illustration. Interior designing comes naturally to me and have tried to combine my artistic skills to make homes and commercial spaces look beautiful. I customize my art work and artifacts based on every individual's requirement and taste, because I feel every individual is unique.

Lastly, I believe art of any form is an addiction to the mind and the soul, which makes one a beautiful human being!

You can reach me at shwetha.antara@gmail.com.
