It was all about life and death- the two sides of a coin. They coexist in nature! Everything in the universe follows a rhythm, which ought to be complied! Then there is love, to which even the divine concedes!
Such a thematic presentation has been tastefully enacted upon by Bharatanatyam danseuse Savitha Sastry at the Birla Auditorium, Hyderabad- a stage which seems to lend itself perfectly for solo presentations.
“Soul Cages”, began with a prologue where in the existence and mortality are depicted through nature’s beings in all its exhilaration and pulsations of the cosmic drum.
The show had it all- immaculate abhinaya, combined with appropriate pure dance phrases, set to a smartly set music, punctuated with sharp voice over and a choice stage setting. A veil, mask as props, digitized images in the background fused with appropriate lighting and a striking body language by Savitha amply brought out contrasts in various characters like angels of birth, death, God, even flora and fauna. The explicit portrayal had the audience glued to their seats as one could associate with the story.
Kudos to the artist for deftly handling the act within the framework of Bharatanatyam! Looking forward to more such experimental pieces from Savitha and her team..